Because implicit objects are declared automatically, we need only use the reference variable associated with a given object to begin calling methods on it. 因为隐式对象是自动声明的,所以我们只需要使用与一个给定对象相关的引用变量来调用其方法。
Implicit class loading occurs when a class is loaded as result of a reference, instantiation, or inheritance ( not via an explicit method call). 隐式类装入发生在由于引用、实例化或继承导致装入类的时候(不是通过显式方法调用)。
For row change timestamp columns only, if the column is defined with the IMPLICITLY HIDDEN attribute, then it is not externalized when there is an implicit reference to the columns of the table. 对于行修改时间戳列(只针对这种列),如果该列使用IMPLICITLYHIDDEN属性定义,那么当对表列进行隐式引用时,不会对该列执行外部化。
Implicit reference points need be made explicit. 隐含的数据必须明朗化?明确指出参考数据的性质。
In Java, inner classes are given an implicit reference to the containing class as a synthetic parameter to the constructor. 在Java中,内部类可以通过一个隐式引用来访问外部类,该引用是作为构造方法的参数传进去的。
Interpreting the Implicit Reference of Third Person by Schema Theory 第三人称隐性指称的图式理解模式
This paper applies symbol toolbox of MATLAB to solve the implicit solution of the homogeneous and complete differential equation by programming and point out one error in reference [ 3]. 本文利用MATLAB符号工具箱,通过编程可求出齐次方程的解,通过自动寻找积分因子,从而求出全微分方程的通解,另外指出文献[3]中的一个错误。
An Analysis of Implicit Functions of College Reference Rooms 试析高校院系资料室的隐性功能
The paper deeply investigates the implicit feedback in personalized service, and divides the implicit feedbacks into three categories: examination, retention and reference. 论文针对个性化服务中的隐式反馈进行了详细研究,将用户的浏览行为分成三类:查阅、保持和引用。
That speech rhythm should function best with implicit reference but not confinement to prosody rhythm will become one of the beneficial factors for bringing English poetry to the service of non-native English speakers. 如何使口语表达节奏既带有诗体学节奏的影子而又不受其模式限制,这成为借助英语诗歌为大众口语服务的有利因素。
And hope to be able to implicit theory of how the study applies to major in Physical Education Teacher Education Course teaching volleyball to provide some reference to theory and practice. 并希望能够为内隐学习理论如何应用于师范类体育教育专业排球普修教学提供一些理论与实践参考。
To deal with implicit coherence on the linguistic level, we can use categories of using direct speech, tense transformation, adding personal reference and using relative clauses. 对于语言层面的隐性连贯,可采用的方法有使用直接引语、时态转换、添加人称代词和使用关系从句。
In implicit mode, weighted factor can be inferred from the relative order distance of the two reference picture and it is not stored in slice header, also supplemental amount is not used. 在隐模式中,权重系数可以从两幅参考图像的相关序号距离中计算出来,隐模式不使用补偿量,权重系数不存储在条带头中。